
PrimoBurner, DVDBuilder and PrimoMpeg runtime requirements – Part 1

PrimoBurner.NET and DVDBuilder.NET require specific VC runtime version to run.

The installers (e.g. DVDBuilder.2.0.5.Net30.Demo.Setup.msi) already include theproper runtime, so PrimoBurner and DVDBuilder are guaranteed to work after installation.

The following SDKs depend on Microsoft.VC90.CRT version 9.0.30729.4148

The following SDKs depend on Microsoft.VC80.CRT version 8.0.50727.4053

If you have to distribute PrimoBurner or DVDBuilder separately you have to make sure that the proper VC (Visual C++)runtime is installed on the target machine. One way to do that is toinstall vcredist_x64.exe or vcredist_x86.exe from Microsoft.

You can also use the VC Redist merge modules that come with Visual Studio.